Thursday, July 12, 2007

I Always Knew Church Planting Would Be Hard

I always knew church planting would be hard, I just figured it would be the planting part not the church part. The hard part is dealing with other churches. Most churches are great to work with. One church let us use their nice van. Another sister church let us use all their block party stuff. One local church supports us and lets us use their stuff when we need to. And another church helps a lot financially and comes down to show their support. So why can’t we get along with the church we have been sharing a building with. I feel like I have been slapped in the face. I feel like I am being extorted. We have been accused of breaking things we didn’t bother, of erasing computer stuff that we did not have access to. I want to scream to lash out. This is not what the church is about. Originally we were allowed to share, but now they want money. I guess money is the issue for them, and it could easily be about pride for me. The church is not the world but sometimes it sure looks like it. I want to be righted, I want to stand and fight, but God does not need me to defend his honor. We have been accused of taking and not giving back, but we have given back by building the kingdom. We do not have a lot of money but we do what we can. We helped another church with VBS. We helped a local church with a Bible study. We are going to help a church with a block Party. I should hold my head up and fight the good fight, but then Christ points me to the second chapter of Philippians. Verses three and four- (esv)

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit but in humility count others more significant then yourselves, Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Paul goes on to remind us of Christ’s humility. He had such a high place (the highest) and yet he gave it up, to die on a cross. I guess I will have to remember it is so not about me, it is about him. Please pray that God will give us humility and wisdom during theses trying times.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


I am definitely ready for summer to come. This semester has almost come to an end. I have only taken two classes this semester. However I do have two classmates Wyatt (4) and Reagan (2). They are good boys and I really should not complain. But, sometimes it is harder to write a paper a mid the he hit me, no he hit me. This week they are staying with their dear Grandma. I wish I could say I did not wait till the last minute to do my assignments, but that would be a lie and we all know preachers should not lie. This summer should be very busy. The church is having a lot of mission teams cometo help us spread the Gospel to the people of Ross Ohio. This week we passed out flyers in a neighborhood where we are starting a Bible study. Church planting is hard and not as glamorous as one might think. But God has been providing our needs and helping me to stay positive. I am glad there are three of us on staff at the church (that way we almost always have ten for every service). I am thankful that God has blessed us with a church sponsor (or partner), who is going to help support me and my family. While church planting can be discouraging, God has given me peace. I have always been impatient, but God has transformed me. I am content knowing I am doing His will. I strive to do my best for his glory. I have such a desire to minister to people, but I am not discouraged when only a few show up. I know that Derek Stargel will never win one soul to Christ. I know that by myself I will never change the city of Ross. But, with God all things are possible.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Yes I have finally updated my blog!

Yes, I have finally updated my blog. I wanted to do it earlier but I felt that I needed to increase the suspense for my legions of readers (the more suspense the more money). I am sure that by now you have noticed a difference in my writing. That would be because I now am in my first ministry position. I am currently the associate pastor/ planter of teaching and educational development for Mercypointe Community Church. My funding comes from the North American Mission Board. I am a semester missionary working with our pastor. I am really excited. The way things have unfolded has been amazing. God has led me down this wonderful path. Sure there have been detours and delays, but I know this is where I am supposed to be. I do not see myself as a missionary even though the paper work says I am. The reason for my doubt is the lack of super powers I have acquired. Missionaries all have special powers. They can actually hear God speak audibly. I have heard no audible voices from God. Missionaries have the Bible memorized and know it backwards and forward. I am not even close on this one and must use commentaries, dictionaries, concordances, and even the internet to be able to produce quality lessons and sermons. Besides, missionaries just radiate the glory of God. They do not worry about things like money or safety. They have no desires for earthly things like laptops, ipods, digital cameras, or satellite radio (unless they can be used on the mission field). Missionaries always park in the back of the parking lot just so others can park closer. Missionaries hardly produce any waste or garbage because they are so resourceful. They do stuff like turn chicken bones into cool necklaces and they turn junk mail into scratch paper, so they don’t have to spend the money to buy stick it notes. How could I possibly live up to this? My family throws out about a ton of trash per week. I like to park as close to the store as I can. I love my ipod, I am writing this on my laptop, and would like to have a digital camera someday (I am not interested in satellite radio, so if resisting satellite radio was the only requirement to being a good missionary there would be no problems). And lastly my face does not radiate anything especially not the glory of God (no one has ever come to a saving knowledge of God by looking at my face). How can I do this? How am I qualified to be a missionary?
Then I remember Ephesians 2:8. “For by Grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God.” This reminds me that I did not start this on my own. From the very beginning my relationship with God was initiated by Him. I do not deserve this honor of serving my Lord anymore than I deserve the salvation he has freely given me. I was saved by His grace and the only way I will be able to serve him is through His grace.

Please! Keep me in your prayers as I strive to serve my King.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

One Night with the King- not a dud

I have to admit I was really surprised with the quality of the movie One Night with the King. I have seen many “religious” movies in my day. Let’s just say there has not been a lot to talk about. Perhaps this change in religious movies is do to the passion of the Christ by Mel Gibson. Before Mel’s movie almost every “religious” movie dealt with the end times. These were usually screened on Saturday nights by youth groups across the nation. The one that really struck me was about a super computer that keeps track of every sin. Even though the movie was boring at least it was unbiblical.
The movie is produced by Michael Crouch. He had made the Omega Code which I did not enjoy. I was talking to Alicia and told her that I did not remember much about the Omega Code. She said that was because I fell asleep. One Night with the King had a 20 million dollar budget. This is 20 million more than other religious movies. The only misleading part of the movie was Peter O Toole. He was only in the movie for about 15 seconds. Did the movie present the gospel No. But that’s okay.
I was glad to see a well made movie that interested me without a ton of profanity and nude scenes. My wife enjoyed the movie to. It had a love story but did not put me to sleep like Message in a Bottle. The movie was very close to the biblical account and only contained a few little Hollywood extras. This week the movie was in the top ten (it was number nine). I definitely recommend this movie.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Am I a Legalist?

I have been a Southern Baptist all my life. I have never considered my self legalistic or even traditional. I have always thought of myself as contemporary. Recently the way I perceive myself has been challenged. Alicia and I have started attending a church plant and it has really challenged how I look at church. Here are a few of things I have had to work through.

First of all there are no pews. Even though pews are usually uncomfortable, I have gotten use to them. This churched sold their pews and bought very cushy chairs. Why did the fact that there were no pews even cross my mind. I have never walked into a movie theater and missed the old wood chairs, the ones with the iron arms. Or perhaps it was the story of Paul in II Romans where he talked about the spiritual renewal that comes only from sitting in pews (if you are agreeing with me please put down your computer and read the New Testament).
People dress in normal clothes at this church. Everyone always looks nice, but I miss the little kids wearing the suit that’s a little too tight. And all the people dressed up who associate more formal attire with funerals. No one seems uncomfortable or self conscious about their clothes.

The thing that caused me the most disruption was coffee and donuts in the sanctuary. I have been trained from toddler hood that no one is allowed to eat in the sanctuary except for the Lord’s Supper. I remember my mom cutting off the end of my sucker with a pair of scissors. This would have been okay if she had gotten the entire stick out, but she left a little stub. The stub was alright at first as long as you did not stab the roof of your mouth, but after a while it got real soggy and ruined the whole taste. I cannot find it in my concordance or Holman bible dictionary, but I believe there is a verse about mints are okay but suckers are not (once again if you are agreeing with me please put down your computer and start reading your bible). The first time we were there I imagined all the well known problems that can come from food in the sanctuary; food fights, the pastor scared to preach the word because he might end up with a jelly donut upside the head, or big messes that would distract people from hearing the gospel. So, far none of this has happened. No one is chomping on a big crème donut during the sermon and no one has thrown even a little donut hole at the preacher.

Galatians chapter one has really convicted me of my legalistic tendencies. Specifically chapter 11 through 21. How big of a deal is it to be so concerned about the things that don’t matter. We see in these verses that a man by the name of Paul believed it was a big problem. He was so concerned about it that he got right in Peter’s face about it. Peter was so important and well respected and yet Paul got up in his face. What had Peter done? Had he murdered someone? Had he committed adultery? Had he lied? Had he preached a sermon on salvation through works? No, he had separated himself from the gentiles while eating because he wanted to impress Jews from Jerusalem. Even though before theses visitors came he ate with the gentiles, so now he had simply become a hypocrite. In verse 16 Paul reminds Peter that we are justified by faith in Christ and not works of the law. And the verse that really hits the target is verse 21- “I do not nullify the Grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died needlessly.”
I have never tried to follow the Old Testament Law or the Jewish Oral Law, but how many times have I demonstrated a faith through works in my life. Peter did not have to say anything he made his point with his actions. How many times have I got caught up in church tradition and separated myself from sinners? How many times have I been the hypocrite? Have my actions made the death of Christ appear needless.
In the Bible God doesn’t talk about pews or donuts or even worship styles. Why not? Because they are not important. The important thing is the salvation of souls which is only accomplished through faith in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Little Patience

Oh, how I wish patience would hurry up an get here. Patience is very misleading. It appears to be something easily attained, but that is not the case for me. I have struggled with idea of not doing it "right now" all my life. "It" can be anything; personal, proffesional, and even spiritual. I sometimes wonder why patience is hard for me? Am I allergic? Perhaps patience is not in my blood. I have many memories of family members who would weather jump off a cliff then wait for five minutes. So, who can I look to for inspiration. Who can show me how to be patient? God is by far the best example. In Exodus 34:6 we see that God is slow to anger. At first this does not seem to be big deal. But, when we look at the Old Testament we see how God displayed this over and over with the Jews. They turned their backs on God many times (Exodus 32), but yet he showed them mercy. If I had infinite power, lets just say there would be quite a few waitors, cashiers, and customer service reps who would have been zapped. Even today we can all be grateful that God has patience for sinners (Romans 2:4).
So why do I need to be patient? I Romans 5:3-5 God gives us a few reasons. Patience (endurance) produces proven charater and proven character produces hope. Patience helps to build our character and to make us more Christ like. I also have to remember that being patient is not the same as sitting around doing nothing. Patience is active endurance of opposition, not a passive resignation (Warren McWilliams). Remembering that patience is productive, will help me to not be so against it. It also helps me to remember how many times God has been patient with me. Even though I continue to fail and mess up he never looses patience with me.